At the conclusion of World War I, the Western Australia Government attracted migrants to Western Australia to establish farms in the Margaret River region. By 1922, more than 100 settlers had arrived. From humble beginnings in the 1890s, where itinerate farmers scratched a living out of the native bushland, to today’s world-famous wine growing region, Margaret River has seen a true ‘Rags to Riches’ story.
Today, the Margaret River wine region is known for its outstanding viticulture, wine production, and international tourism, attracting an estimated 500,000 visitors annually. Margaret River is the leading wine region of Western Australia, with a respect and reputation that is globally recognised. Occupying the westerly coastal strip of southwestern Australia, Margaret River enjoys a Mediterranean / maritime climate with an average rainfall of around 1100mm. This is classic winter rains country that enjoys all the benefits of its proximity to the Indian Ocean.
The region enjoys good winter rains, warm summer days, long sunshine hours, and the benefit of cooling sea breezes during the ripening period. The combination of maritime climate and deep volcanic soils leads to a consistently high quality of fruit with intense flavours. The principal grape varieties in the region are evenly split between Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Merlot and Sauvignon Blanc. This is an area that is renowned for powerful and flavoursome Cabernet Sauvignon, and deep, rich Chardonnays.